viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018


On my third year of Psychology I think there are some things that have to be changed to make the career better. First of all, I think there are a couple of subjects that are useless, an example of this is "Procesos Psicológicos Básicos", certainly it doesn't have the best professor but not just about that. The subject doesn't seem to be so connected to the Chilean context and it's almost totally based on American research. It doesn't give you a critical perspective about the contents and almost the whole subject it's just about reading and answering multiple choice tests. 
Resultado de imagen para psicologia

I think the workload is not so bad, but there is a period on the semester in which you basically have nothing to do and there's another period that is like hell. I would like so much that in a future, the workload were more homogeneous.

About the faculty facilities there's not much for me to say. I think one of the few things that are not so good about this is the availability and the size of the classrooms. 

Technology and teaching methods are just fine. This is not a career like Engineering or something like that, you just have to read and write a lot, so a bunch of PC's and internet connection it's fine. 

I think some of the weak points of my career are the evaluation methods, it is boring to have to write an essay for a subject that you don't like about a topic that you don't necessarily like. And it's always the same, sometimes I think university want students that learn to write papers or essays more than students that train to be an input for society. 

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