viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

English Language Challenges

This is my last blog for the subject and I have to talk about English language.
Since I was at school I have ever liked English classes, now at university it is not the exception. I think having this subject it's been a great help for me, my career demands me the capability to understand papers, books, essays, etc. in English and what I´ve learnt in classes it´s been very useful for me at the moment. Blog sessions have made me think and have the capability to express my ideas about anythin, I think it's a good teaching tool.

Although I don't have the need (nor academic or professional) to speak English, that's something I'd like a lot to be able to do in the future. I think besides being a highly necessary tool in these times, speaking English opens a lot of gates to a new culture, from the pleasure of helping a foreigner to the ability to understand a movie or a song. 

After finishing this subject (by the way I hope I approve it) I think I would like to take an English course, but this time putting emphasis on speaking. I think to this day it is my weak point, even when reading it´s easy for me, I feel not prepared to have a conversation with someone in English. 

Finally, I would like to have the opportunity (and the knowledge) to go abroad and experience working as a psychologist in English. Not just for listening people tell me their problems in other language, but to understand how other people from another culture feel and suffer.

1 comentario:

  1. Speaking in english is my weak point too :(
    Working on other language sounds a very tough challenge :o
